Snakes on a Plane

Poster for the movie "Snakes on a Plane"

Movie Info

Movie Story

Snakes on a Plane

Poster for the movie "Snakes on a Plane"
Release Date  6 August 2006 (1 h 45 min)
Directed by  David R. Ellis
Composer  Trevor Rabin

Synopsis and Details

America is on the search for the murderer Eddie Kim. Sean Jones must fly to L.A. to testify in a hearing against Kim. Accompanied by FBI agent Neville Flynn, the flight receives some unexpected visitors.

  • Revenue  $62,022,014
  • Budget  $33,000,000
  • Language  English


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At 30,000 feet, snakes aren't the deadliest thing on this plane.

America is on the search for the murderer Eddie Kim. Sean Jones must fly to L.A. to testify in a hearing against Kim. Accompanied by FBI agent Neville Flynn, the flight receives some unexpected visitors.


  • Movie Status 
  • Movie Media 
  • Movie Rating  Very good
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 



Movie Pictures

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Tags: Movies Anywhere, Vudu

Reviews ( 1 )

  • DRS 10 / 12 / 2020

    I won’t deny that I’m a bit strange at times but flying might bring out one of my oddest habits. If I can’t sleep, which I don’t seem to be able to do anymore, I read or watch movies…about airplane disasters! Yes, I read about bombs on planes, terrorist attacks or movies of that ilk.
    Since I had never watched Snakes on a Plane, my latest trip to Tampa seemed like a perfect time to do just that. I’ve wanted to watch it for awhile just because it seemed offbeat and fun for a story that was way, way out there.
    It was exactly that and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was ridiculous. So what? It was completely preposterous. Who cares? It’s so funny to me to see people slam these movies because they don’t have the pedigree of Casablanca or some “great” movie that no one wants to see.
    You don’t need to be on an airplane to like Snakes on a Plane, but it helps!

    8 / 10

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