
Poster for the movie "Flashdance"

Movie Info

Movie Story


Poster for the movie "Flashdance"
Release Date  14 April 1983 (1 h 35 min)
Directed by  Adrian Lyne
Genres  Drama, Romance

Synopsis and Details

The popular 1980s dance movie that depicts the life of an exotic dancer with a side job as a welder whose true desire is to get into ballet school. It’s her dream to be a professional dancer and now is her chance.

  • Revenue  $92,921,203
  • Budget  $4,000,000
  • Language  English


No image to show for Flashdance


She works in a man's world. She dances in the world of her dreams.

The popular 1980s dance movie that depicts the life of an exotic dancer with a side job as a welder whose true desire is to get into ballet school. It’s her dream to be a professional dancer and now is her chance.


  • Movie Status 
  • Movie Media 
  • Movie Rating  Masterpiece
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 


Tags: Vudu, Top 25

Reviews ( 1 )

  • DRS 06 / 10 / 2020

    I’m a sucker for seeing classic movies back on the big screen so when one of my “10 jujubees” movies is showing, I’m going to go see it. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve seen Flashdance but I do know that I saw it at least 5 times when it originally came out in theatres in 1983. Most of those screenings were at a United Artists theatre in Griffith, Indiana for the matinee price of $2.00.

    Even back then, the 90-minute music video that is Flashdance captivated me. It’s corny and there’s a lot of it that doesn’t make sense but I loved it then and I still do, so getting to see it again in a theatre, surrounded by 4 other highly intelligent people was a treat.

    My only complaint was that Fathom Event screenings seldom go off without a hitch and this was no different so someday it would be nice to have that remedied but that couldn’t ruin the chance to see a movie in my Top 25!

    10 / 10

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