Runaway Bride

Poster for the movie "Runaway Bride"

Movie Info

Movie Story

Runaway Bride

Poster for the movie "Runaway Bride"
Release Date  30 July 1999 (1 h 56 min)
Directed by  Garry Marshall
Composer  James Newton Howard
Genres  Comedy, Romance

Synopsis and Details

Ike Graham, New York columnist, writes his text always at the last minute. This time, a drunken man in his favourite bar tells Ike about Maggie Carpenter, a woman who always flees from her grooms in the last possible moment. Ike, who does not have the best opinion about females anyway, writes an offensive column without researching the subject thoroughly.

  • Revenue  $309,457,509
  • Budget  $70,000,000
  • Language  English


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Catch her if you can.

Ike Graham, New York columnist, writes his text always at the last minute. This time, a drunken man in his favourite bar tells Ike about Maggie Carpenter, a woman who always flees from her grooms in the last possible moment. Ike, who does not have the best opinion about females anyway, writes an offensive column without researching the subject thoroughly.


  • Movie Status 
  • Movie Media 
  • Movie Rating  Very good
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 



Movie Pictures

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Tags: Vudu

Reviews ( 1 )

  • DRS 06 / 10 / 2020

    Well, how about this? Two “Bride” movies in a row. It wasn’t intended that way but what a coincidence. First, The Princess Bride and now, Runaway bride.

    I’m just going to say that Runaway Bride is one of my favorite Julia Roberts movies. It ranks right there next to Pretty Woman as one of her and Richard Gere’s best. The fun story and the great music is terrific. It wasn’t a critical or box office smash but I sure like it, so there!

    8 / 10

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