Mortal Kombat

Poster for the movie "Mortal Kombat"

Movie Info

Movie Story

Mortal Kombat

Poster for the movie "Mortal Kombat"
Release Date  7 April 2021 (1 h 50 min)
Directed by  Simon McQuoid
Composer  Benjamin Wallfisch

Synopsis and Details

Washed-up MMA fighter Cole Young, unaware of his heritage, and hunted by Emperor Shang Tsung's best warrior, Sub-Zero, seeks out and trains with Earth's greatest champions as he prepares to stand against the enemies of Outworld in a high stakes battle for the universe.


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Washed-up MMA fighter Cole Young, unaware of his heritage, and hunted by Emperor Shang Tsung's best warrior, Sub-Zero, seeks out and trains with Earth's greatest champions as he prepares to stand against the enemies of Outworld in a high stakes battle for the universe.


  • Movie Status 
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  • Movie Rating  Very good
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Tags: Movies Anywhere, Vudu

Reviews ( 1 )

  • DRS 03 / 05 / 2021

    A couple months ago when I was desperate to find a movie to see, I decided to give Monster Hunter a shot. Even though I wasn’t familiar with the video game that it was based on I went to see it, in Hudson, Wisconsin, no less. Hey, I tried, but I just couldn’t get into it, no matter how hard I tried.

    So, it was with a little trepidation that I decided to see Mortal Kombat, in IMAX even, again not knowing anything about the video game or backstory. The trailers looked interesting and it looked like a bloody good time. As it turned out, the story was simple enough for those of us who knew nothing about it and the fight scenes were really well-done.

    After becoming a fan of hardcore martial arts fighting from the TV show, Warrior, Mortal Kombat lived up to the bill. Even the villain in Mortal Kombat and Warrior are played by the same actor, Joe Taslim. Unlike Monster Hunter, I wasn’t disappointed and actually look forward to watching it again on HBO Max.

    I’m sure being familiar with the story would help and I don’t know if it follows the storyline closely or not but for me, I liked it much more than I thought I would.

    8 / 10

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