Smile 2   (review)

Poster for the movie "Smile 2"

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Reviews ( 1 )

  • DRS 25 / 11 / 2024

    Why do movies have to pull out some strange twist at the end of a movie to ruin it? Not a good “twist” but just something really stupid. The Substance was a really good movie until the ending just left a sour taste in your mouth. The original Smile did the same thing. The premise of the movie and execution of it was really entertaining but the ending just went off in an odd direction and just left you disappointed.

    I wish I could say Smile 2 was different…but I can’t. Again, the main part of the movie was decent, similar to the original in some ways but the very end did something really stupid to just leave you frustrated for something that didn’t need to be done. Not sure if there will be a Smile 3 but let’s hope that if there is, they skip the stupid same “twist” at the end.

    7 / 10

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