Up Close & Personal

Poster for the movie "Up Close & Personal"

Movie Info

Movie Story

Up Close & Personal

Poster for the movie "Up Close & Personal"
Release Date  1 March 1996 (1 h 59 min)
Directed by  Jon Avnet
Genres  Drama, Romance
Not rated yet!

Synopsis and Details

Tally Atwater has a dream: to be a prime-time network newscaster. She pursues this dream with nothing but ambition, raw talent and a homemade demo tape. Warren Justice is a brilliant, hard edged, veteran newsman. He sees Tally has talent and becomes her mentor. Tally’s career takes a meteoric rise and she and Warren fall in love. The romance that results is as intense and revealing as television news itself. Yet, each breaking story, every videotaped crisis that brings them together, also threatens to drive them apart...

  • Revenue 
  • Budget  $60,000,000
  • Language  English


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Every Day we Have, is One More Than We Deserve.

Tally Atwater has a dream: to be a prime-time network newscaster. She pursues this dream with nothing but ambition, raw talent and a homemade demo tape. Warren Justice is a brilliant, hard edged, veteran newsman. He sees Tally has talent and becomes her mentor. Tally’s career takes a meteoric rise and she and Warren fall in love. The romance that results is as intense and revealing as television news itself. Yet, each breaking story, every videotaped crisis that brings them together, also threatens to drive them apart...


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