Trauma Center

Poster for the movie "Trauma Center"

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Tags: Vudu

Reviews ( 1 )

  • DRS 06 / 10 / 2020

    Sometimes there just isn’t much to see because I’m all caught up on everything I’m interested in so I either see something again or track down something obscure that no one’s ever heard of. I’m betting that hardly anyone has heard of this movie. I hadn’t, but figured it was either this or some Nik Cage movie that no one’s heard of. I’d say it’s 2 hours of my life I’ll never get back but it was only 87 minutes long.

    I’m pretty sure that Bruce Willis lost a bet so that’s why he was in it. Steve Guttenberg on the other hand…let’s just say that this is no Police Academy movie and he has only about 2 minutes of screen time. The dialog was some of the worst I’ve ever heard and it’s clearly a low-budget movie when none of the hospital rooms have any medical devices in them. I suppose the 4 distribution companies and 24, yes, TWENTY-FOUR, executive producers get a credit should be a clue. In all honesty, I wasn’t expecting much and so to be disappointed would be more on me than the movie. If nothing else, it’s always fun to say I saw a movie by myself in a theater.

    6 / 10
  • admin 08 / 04 / 2021

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