The Color of Money

Poster for the movie "The Color of Money"

Movie Info

Movie Story

The Color of Money

Poster for the movie "The Color of Money"
Release Date  7 October 1986 (1 h 59 min)
Directed by  Martin Scorsese
Genres  Drama
Not rated yet!

Synopsis and Details

Former pool hustler "Fast Eddie" Felson decides he wants to return to the game by taking a pupil. He meets talented but green Vincent Lauria and proposes a partnership. As they tour pool halls, Eddie teaches Vincent the tricks of scamming, but he eventually grows frustrated with Vincent's showboat antics, leading to an argument and a falling-out. Eddie takes up playing again and soon crosses paths with Vincent as an opponent.

  • Revenue  $52,293,982
  • Budget  $13,800,000
  • Language  English, Spanish


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The Hustler isn't what he used to be. But he has the next best thing. A kid who is.

Former pool hustler "Fast Eddie" Felson decides he wants to return to the game by taking a pupil. He meets talented but green Vincent Lauria and proposes a partnership. As they tour pool halls, Eddie teaches Vincent the tricks of scamming, but he eventually grows frustrated with Vincent's showboat antics, leading to an argument and a falling-out. Eddie takes up playing again and soon crosses paths with Vincent as an opponent.


  • Movie Status 
  • Movie Media 
  • Movie Rating  Not rated
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 



Movie Pictures

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Tags: Vudu, Movies Anywhere

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