The triumphant underdog story of the University of Washington men's rowing team, who stunned the world by winning gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
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The Boys in the Boat
The triumphant underdog story of the University of Washington men's rowing team, who stunned the world by winning gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
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The Boys in the Boat looked like a Christmas movie when I saw the first trailer. Simple and easy true story of an underdog, something tailor-made for families to go see on Christmas Day.
True stories are tricky because they can embellish too much and it doesn’t bear much resemblance to what actually happened or they are just boring. The movie was told in a way that was intense and interesting, even if you know nothing about crew. The storyline of the Olympics and a JV team being selected is all true and quite interesting.
A very well-done family movie.