Finney Shaw, a shy but clever 13-year-old boy, is abducted by a sadistic killer and trapped in a soundproof basement where screaming is of little use. When a disconnected phone on the wall begins to ring, Finney discovers that he can hear the voices of the killer’s previous victims. And they are dead set on making sure that what happened to them doesn’t happen to Finney.
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The Black Phone
Never talk to strangers.
Finney Shaw, a shy but clever 13-year-old boy, is abducted by a sadistic killer and trapped in a soundproof basement where screaming is of little use. When a disconnected phone on the wall begins to ring, Finney discovers that he can hear the voices of the killer’s previous victims. And they are dead set on making sure that what happened to them doesn’t happen to Finney.
Movie Status
Movie Media
Movie Rating
Very good
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Movie Format
The Black Phone is a better horror movie than it should be. The pacing is good. The setting of the ‘70’s works in its favor, especially see the TV show Emergency on a tiny little TV.
Sure, there are some plot holes but if you go with it, it’s not bad at all.