The Air Up There

Poster for the movie "The Air Up There"

Movie Info

Movie Story

The Air Up There

Poster for the movie "The Air Up There"
Release Date  7 January 1994 (1 h 47 min)
Directed by  Paul Michael Glaser
Writer  Max Apple
Composer  David Newman
Genres  Comedy, Family
Not rated yet!

Synopsis and Details

Jimmy Dolan is a college basketball coach who wants a big promotion. To get it, he needs to make a dramatic find. He ends up deep in Africa, hoping to recruit Saleh, a huge basketball prodigy Jimmy glimpsed in a home movie. But Saleh is the chief's son and has responsibilities at home, since the tribe's land is threatened by a mining company with its own hotshot basketball team.

  • Revenue  $21,011,500
  • Budget  $17,080,000
  • Language  English


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Jimmy Dolan is a college basketball coach who wants a big promotion. To get it, he needs to make a dramatic find. He ends up deep in Africa, hoping to recruit Saleh, a huge basketball prodigy Jimmy glimpsed in a home movie. But Saleh is the chief's son and has responsibilities at home, since the tribe's land is threatened by a mining company with its own hotshot basketball team.


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