Terminator: Dark Fate

Poster for the movie "Terminator: Dark Fate"

Movie Info

Movie Story

Terminator: Dark Fate

Poster for the movie "Terminator: Dark Fate"
Release Date  23 October 2019 (2 h 08 min)
Directed by  Tim Miller
Composer  Junkie XL
Country   China Hungary Spain United States of America

Synopsis and Details

Decades after Sarah Connor prevented Judgment Day, a lethal new Terminator is sent to eliminate the future leader of the resistance. In a fight to save mankind, battle-hardened Sarah Connor teams up with an unexpected ally and an enhanced super soldier to stop the deadliest Terminator yet.

  • Revenue  $261,119,292
  • Budget  $185,000,000
  • Language  English, Spanish


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Welcome to the day after judgement day

Decades after Sarah Connor prevented Judgment Day, a lethal new Terminator is sent to eliminate the future leader of the resistance. In a fight to save mankind, battle-hardened Sarah Connor teams up with an unexpected ally and an enhanced super soldier to stop the deadliest Terminator yet.


  • Movie Status 
  • Movie Media 
  • Movie Rating  Very good
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 



Movie Pictures

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Tags: Vudu

Reviews ( 1 )

  • DRS 06 / 10 / 2020

    I remember the first time I saw the original Terminator movie at a theater in Edina that was about as big as my TV is now. Even though it was a tiny little place, the movie was terrific and the story was mind-blowing. Terminator 2: Judgment Day was a great movie with jaw-dropping special effects and a good continuation of the story. The sequels after that were disappointing. When it was announced that James Cameron was back on board with Dark Fate, I was all in. I was able to see it in IMAX and I thoroughly enjoyed it, so much so that I saw it again the next day. It may have under-preformed at the box office, which I don’t understand, but I liked it a lot and would welcome yet another one.

    8 / 10

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