Spenser Confidential

Poster for the movie "Spenser Confidential"

Movie Info

Movie Story

Spenser Confidential

Poster for the movie "Spenser Confidential"
Release Date  6 March 2020 (1 h 50 min)
Directed by  Peter Berg
Composer  Steve Jablonsky
Genres  Comedy, Action, Thriller

Synopsis and Details

Spenser, a former Boston patrolman who just got out from prison, teams up with Hawk, an aspiring fighter, to unravel the truth behind the death of two police officers.


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The law has limits. They don't.

Spenser, a former Boston patrolman who just got out from prison, teams up with Hawk, an aspiring fighter, to unravel the truth behind the death of two police officers.


  • Movie Status 
  • Movie Media 
  • Movie Rating  Very good
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 



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Reviews ( 1 )

  • DRS 06 / 10 / 2020

    As a Made For TV movie, which Spenser Confidential is since it was made by Netflix, it’s good, not great. Mark Wahlberg is solid in his performance as are the supporting characters. It’s pretty straight-forward with no real surprises so you get what you think you’re going to get. There’s nothing particularly memorable about it but Winston Duke is exceptional as Hawk, a soft-spoken but absolute giant on the screen. If you’re looking for an action movie, you can do better but you also could do worse. If you’re a fan of Mark Wahlberg, give it a shot.

    8 / 10

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