Robin Hood

Poster for the movie "Robin Hood"

Movie Info

Movie Story

Robin Hood

Poster for the movie "Robin Hood"
Release Date  12 May 2010 (2 h 20 min)
Directed by  Ridley Scott
Composer  Marc Streitenfeld
Genres  Action, Adventure, Drama

Synopsis and Details

When soldier Robin happens upon the dying Robert of Loxley, he promises to return the man's sword to his family in Nottingham. There, he assumes Robert's identity; romances his widow, Marion; and draws the ire of the town's sheriff and King John's henchman, Godfrey.


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Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions.

When soldier Robin happens upon the dying Robert of Loxley, he promises to return the man's sword to his family in Nottingham. There, he assumes Robert's identity; romances his widow, Marion; and draws the ire of the town's sheriff and King John's henchman, Godfrey.


  • Movie Status 
  • Movie Media 
  • Movie Rating  Good
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 



Movie Pictures

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Tags: Vudu, Movies Anywhere

Reviews ( 1 )

  • DRS 13 / 10 / 2020

    Leading Man: Russell Crowe – Check. Director: Ridley Scott – Check. Writer: Brian Helgeland – Check.

    The story of Robin Hood has been done dozens of times and everyone tries to put their own spin on this classic story. You’d think that by checking all the boxes that it would be a can’t miss movie. I wish that was the case but for me, it missed. It’s not that it was terrible but the expectations of another movie that even was half as successful as Gladiator would have been welcome.

    I wish I could put my finger on why it just didn’t work but the fact is, it doesn’t. maybe others will like it more than me because Robin Hood is a favorite character of theirs but I would just say to temper your expectations. Hopefully, you’ll like it more than I did.

    7 / 10

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