Purple Rain

Poster for the movie "Purple Rain"

Movie Info

Movie Story

Purple Rain

Poster for the movie "Purple Rain"
Release Date  27 July 1984 (1 h 51 min)
Directed by  Albert Magnoli
Writer  William Blinn, Albert Magnoli
Composer  Michel Colombier
Genres  Drama, Music, Romance
Not rated yet!

Synopsis and Details

A victim of his own anger, the Kid is a Minneapolis musician on the rise with his band, the Revolution, escaping a tumultuous home life through music. While trying to avoid making the same mistakes as his truculent father, the Kid navigates the club scene and a rocky relationship with a captivating singer, Apollonia. But another musician, Morris, looks to steal the Kid's spotlight -- and his girl.

  • Revenue  $68,392,977
  • Budget  $7,200,000
  • Language  English


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Before He Created the Magic. He Lived Every Bit of It.

A victim of his own anger, the Kid is a Minneapolis musician on the rise with his band, the Revolution, escaping a tumultuous home life through music. While trying to avoid making the same mistakes as his truculent father, the Kid navigates the club scene and a rocky relationship with a captivating singer, Apollonia. But another musician, Morris, looks to steal the Kid's spotlight -- and his girl.


  • Movie Status 
  • Movie Media 
  • Movie Rating  Not rated
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 



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Tags: Movies Anywhere, Vudu

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