
Poster for the movie "Nobody"

Movie Info

Movie Story


Poster for the movie "Nobody"
Release Date  18 March 2021 (1 h 32 min)
Directed by  Ilya Naishuller
Composer  David Buckley
Genres  Action, Thriller, Crime

Synopsis and Details

Hutch Mansell, a suburban dad, overlooked husband, nothing neighbor — a "nobody." When two thieves break into his home one night, Hutch's unknown long-simmering rage is ignited and propels him on a brutal path that will uncover dark secrets he fought to leave behind.

  • Revenue 
  • Budget 
  • Language  English


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Never underestimate a nobody.

Hutch Mansell, a suburban dad, overlooked husband, nothing neighbor — a "nobody." When two thieves break into his home one night, Hutch's unknown long-simmering rage is ignited and propels him on a brutal path that will uncover dark secrets he fought to leave behind.


  • Movie Status 
  • Movie Media 
  • Movie Rating  Very good
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 



Movie Pictures

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Tags: Vudu, Movies Anywhere

Reviews ( 1 )

  • DRS 27 / 03 / 2021

    Maybe after Jimmy McGill becomes Saul Goodman who becomes Gene Takavic eventually becomes Hutch Mansell who is actually, Nobody. Yes, Nobody is his code name in a former life and Bob Odenkirk does his best Liam Neeson impression in playing an unexpected bad ass.

    Since it’s been one of the few new movies coming out, the trailer has been played before almost every movie shown the last 3 months. What looks like a John Wick clone is really much more than that, mixing in a solid call back to Home Alone and other creative revenge movies.

    The fight scenes are jarringly brutal and so over-the-top insane that you just can’t help but maybe smile a little as you suspend all sense of belief in what you’re seeing. If nothing else, seeing an 82 year old Christopher Lloyd joining in on the fun is a treat by itself.

    It’s not a perfect movie but it seems to accomplish exactly what it sets out to do and at the movies these days, that’s pretty sweet.

    8 / 10

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