Gene Stupnitsky, John Phillips
On the brink of losing her childhood home, Maddie discovers an intriguing job listing: wealthy helicopter parents looking for someone to “date” their introverted 19-year-old son, Percy, before he leaves for college. To her surprise, Maddie soon discovers the awkward Percy is no sure thing.
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No Hard Feelings
Pretty. Awkward.
On the brink of losing her childhood home, Maddie discovers an intriguing job listing: wealthy helicopter parents looking for someone to “date” their introverted 19-year-old son, Percy, before he leaves for college. To her surprise, Maddie soon discovers the awkward Percy is no sure thing.
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Movie Rating
Very good
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I’m not a big Jennifer Lawrence fan but I needed a laugh and I was hoping maybe this would fit the bill. It’s getting lots of press because she takes her clothes off at the beach but it’s only for shock value. The fact is, it’s a really nice, funny movie.
Matthew Broderick is almost unrecognizable but the Easter Eggs to Ferris Bueller are fun.
And one more thing, you’ll never hear the Hall and Oates song, Maneater, the same again.