John Garrity, his estranged wife and their young son embark on a perilous journey to find sanctuary as a planet-killing comet hurtles toward Earth. Amid terrifying accounts of cities getting levelled, the Garrity's experience the best and worst in humanity. As the countdown to the global apocalypse approaches zero, their incredible trek culminates in a desperate and last-minute flight to a possible safe haven.
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John Garrity, his estranged wife and their young son embark on a perilous journey to find sanctuary as a planet-killing comet hurtles toward Earth. Amid terrifying accounts of cities getting levelled, the Garrity's experience the best and worst in humanity. As the countdown to the global apocalypse approaches zero, their incredible trek culminates in a desperate and last-minute flight to a possible safe haven.
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Movie Rating
Very good
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When a preview of Greenland was shown several months back, it looked like your typical Gerard Butler, end of the world movie. I expected that it would be released in theaters as planned because there weren’t many movies being put out in a limited field.
As it turned out, Greenland was released straight to Video on Demand like other recent movies have been. I was disappointed because if I was going to watch it, it seemed like a movie that should be shown in theaters. I was right. The movie itself turned out to be more than just an end of the world disaster movie but more of a family drama and what they have to go through to stay together. Gerard Butler actually plays a person instead of a caricature and that was nice. I liked it more than I thought I would but really wish I could have seen it in a theater.