Friday the 13th: A New Beginning

Poster for the movie "Friday the 13th: A New Beginning"

Movie Info

Movie Story

Friday the 13th: A New Beginning

Poster for the movie "Friday the 13th: A New Beginning"
Release Date  22 March 1985 (1 h 32 min)
Directed by  Danny Steinmann
Writer  Martin Kitrosser, Danny Steinmann, David Cohen, John Shepherd
Genres  Horror
Not rated yet!

Synopsis and Details

Homicidal maniac Jason returns from the grave to cause more bloody mayhem. Young Tommy may have escaped from Crystal Lake, but he’s still haunted by the gruesome events that happened there. When gory murders start happening at the secluded halfway house for troubled teens where he now lives, it seems like his nightmarish nemesis, Jason, is back for more sadistic slaughters. But as things spiral out of control and the body count rises, Tommy begins to wonder if he’s become the killer he fears most.

  • Revenue  $21,930,418
  • Budget  $2,200,000
  • Language  English


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A New Beginning to the first step in terror.

Homicidal maniac Jason returns from the grave to cause more bloody mayhem. Young Tommy may have escaped from Crystal Lake, but he’s still haunted by the gruesome events that happened there. When gory murders start happening at the secluded halfway house for troubled teens where he now lives, it seems like his nightmarish nemesis, Jason, is back for more sadistic slaughters. But as things spiral out of control and the body count rises, Tommy begins to wonder if he’s become the killer he fears most.


  • Movie Status 
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  • Movie Rating  Not rated
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 



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