
Poster for the movie "Flinch"

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Poster for the movie "Flinch"
Release Date  21 January 2021 (1 h 40 min)
Directed by  Cameron Van Hoy

Synopsis and Details

A young Hitman who lives with his mother catches feelings for the witness of a murder he commits.

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A young Hitman who lives with his mother catches feelings for the witness of a murder he commits.


  • Movie Status 
  • Movie Media 
  • Movie Rating  Good
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 


  • TMDb ID  778681
  • Original Title  Flinch
  • Release Date  21 January 2021
  • Local Release Date  21 January 2021
  • Runtime  1 h 40 min
  • Production 
  • Country 
  • Languages 
  • Genres 
  • Director  Cameron Van Hoy
  • Producer 
  • Director of Photography 
  • Original Music Composer 
  • Author 
  • Writer 
  • Certification 
  • Budget 
  • Revenue 
  • IMDb Id  tt9670414
  • Adult 
  • Homepage  https://www.flinchthemovie.com/







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Reviews ( 1 )

  • DRS 25 / 01 / 2021

    Finding movies to see right now can be a little challenging. I’ve seen everything I’ve wanted to see…twice. This week came around and I really didn’t know what to see. I looked at all the theaters to see what was playing, even what older films might be an option.
    I checked Emagine in Eagan, a very nice theater, by the way. Along with the few new movies and a couple older ones, they had a movie called Flinch.
    From IMDB, this is what I knew about it:
    “A young Hitman who lives with his mother develops feelings for the witness of a murder he commits.”
    It wasn’t much, but it sounded better than seeing WW84 for a 3rd time.
    Let me just say this. This isn’t a big movie and I have no idea how it got scheduled at a major theater for a week of showings. There are 2 “name” actors but they are 40 years past their prime. The IMDB trivia page is actually filled with inside jokes.
    I got to the theater and it was pretty quiet, as expected. 10 minutes prior to the movie, I bought the first ticket for the showing.
    I got to my seat and imagine my surprise when a couple came in and sat right next to me. Something seemed really off, that in a completely empty theater, they had chosen seats right next to me. They didn’t say anything to me but during the trailers, they got up and left. Not that I minded if they were there, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the movie they were planning to see.
    I know you didn’t come to this page looking to hear my movie experience but rather a movie review so, here’s what I thought of Flinch.

    It started out with a pretty intense shootout to set up the premise and it turned out to be a decent movie. It was low-budget and the acting wasn’t great but it was entertaining. As I told someone, it was better than I expected. The main actor was Daniel Zovatto. I recognized him but couldn’t place the face. At first I thought he was a Taylor Kitsch clone but that wasn’t it. As it turned out, he was a lead in a Showtime Series, Penny Dreadful: City of Angels. I really liked the show but it only lasted 1 season. There was actually a pretty good twist at the end of the movie which the movie had set up well at the beginning but I dismissed it as nothing, but then it came back in a big way.
    It seemed like a movie that would have been made for Netflix, but maybe they said, “No Thanks”, and so the director found a couple of minor studios to release it and put it in some theaters.
    I don’t know who the director, actor, Cameron Van Hoy, was trying to emulate because there was a Michael Mann vibe to it in some ways. What he did get right was the soundtrack by Miami Nights 1984. Honestly, it didn’t always fit the movie but it was great music. It reminded me of Tangerine Dream, the band from Risky Business.
    It was far from a great movie but in the end, I found it pretty entertaining. Plus, I bought the soundtrack, so there’s that.

    7 / 10

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