
Poster for the movie "Face/Off"

Movie Info

Movie Story


Poster for the movie "Face/Off"
Release Date  27 June 1997 (2 h 19 min)
Directed by  John Woo
Writer  Mike Werb, Michael Colleary
Composer  John Powell
Not rated yet!

Synopsis and Details

Obsessed with bringing terrorist Castor Troy to justice, FBI agent Sean Archer tracks down Troy, who has boarded a plane in Los Angeles. After the plane crashes and Troy is severely injured, possibly dead, Archer undergoes surgery to remove his face and replace it with Troy's. As Archer tries to use his disguise to elicit information about a bomb from Troy's brother, Troy awakes from a coma and forces the doctor who performed the surgery to give him Archer's face.

  • Revenue  $245,676,146
  • Budget  $80,000,000
  • Language  English, Latin


No image to show for Face/Off


In order to catch him, he must become him.

Obsessed with bringing terrorist Castor Troy to justice, FBI agent Sean Archer tracks down Troy, who has boarded a plane in Los Angeles. After the plane crashes and Troy is severely injured, possibly dead, Archer undergoes surgery to remove his face and replace it with Troy's. As Archer tries to use his disguise to elicit information about a bomb from Troy's brother, Troy awakes from a coma and forces the doctor who performed the surgery to give him Archer's face.


  • Movie Status 
  • Movie Media 
  • Movie Rating  Not rated
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 



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No image to show.
Tags: Vudu

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