
Poster for the movie "F/X2"

Movie Info

Movie Story


Poster for the movie "F/X2"
Release Date  16 April 1991 (1 h 48 min)
Directed by  Richard Franklin
Writer  Bill Condon
Composer  Lalo Schifrin
Not rated yet!

Synopsis and Details

F/X man Rollie Tyler is now a toymaker. Mike, the ex-husband of his girlfriend Kim, is a cop. He asks Rollie to help catch a killer. The operation goes well until some unknown man kills both the killer and Mike. Mike's boss, Silak says it was the killer who killed Mike but Rollie knows it wasn't. Obviously, Silak is involved with Mike's death, so he calls on Leo McCarthy, the cop from the last movie, who is now a P.I., for help and they discover it's not just Silak they have to worry about.

  • Revenue 
  • Budget  $16,400,000
  • Language 


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The Deadly Art of Illusion

F/X man Rollie Tyler is now a toymaker. Mike, the ex-husband of his girlfriend Kim, is a cop. He asks Rollie to help catch a killer. The operation goes well until some unknown man kills both the killer and Mike. Mike's boss, Silak says it was the killer who killed Mike but Rollie knows it wasn't. Obviously, Silak is involved with Mike's death, so he calls on Leo McCarthy, the cop from the last movie, who is now a P.I., for help and they discover it's not just Silak they have to worry about.


  • Movie Status 
  • Movie Media 
  • Movie Rating  Not rated
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 



Movie Pictures

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Tags: Vudu