Blank Check

Poster for the movie "Blank Check"

Movie Info

Movie Story

Blank Check

Poster for the movie "Blank Check"
Release Date  11 February 1994 (1 h 33 min)
Directed by  Rupert Wainwright
Writer  Blake Snyder, Colby Carr
Genres  Comedy, Family
Not rated yet!

Synopsis and Details

Bullied by his siblings and nagged by his parents, 11-year-old Preston is fed up with his family -- especially their frugality. But he gets his chance to teach them a lesson when a money-laundering criminal nearly bulldozes Preston with his car and gives the boy a blank check as compensation. Preston makes the check out for $1 million and goes on a spending spree he'll never forget. Maybe now, his family will take him seriously!

  • Revenue 
  • Budget  $13,000,000
  • Language  English


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Quick thinking landed him a million bucks... now everybody's after it!

Bullied by his siblings and nagged by his parents, 11-year-old Preston is fed up with his family -- especially their frugality. But he gets his chance to teach them a lesson when a money-laundering criminal nearly bulldozes Preston with his car and gives the boy a blank check as compensation. Preston makes the check out for $1 million and goes on a spending spree he'll never forget. Maybe now, his family will take him seriously!


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