Blade Runner

Poster for the movie "Blade Runner"

Movie Info

Movie Story

Blade Runner

Poster for the movie "Blade Runner"
Release Date  25 June 1982 (1 h 57 min)
Directed by  Ridley Scott
Composer  Vangelis

Synopsis and Details

In the smog-choked dystopian Los Angeles of 2019, blade runner Rick Deckard is called out of retirement to terminate a quartet of replicants who have escaped to Earth seeking their creator for a way to extend their short life spans.


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Man has made his match... now it's his problem.

In the smog-choked dystopian Los Angeles of 2019, blade runner Rick Deckard is called out of retirement to terminate a quartet of replicants who have escaped to Earth seeking their creator for a way to extend their short life spans.


  • Movie Status 
  • Movie Media 
  • Movie Rating  Excellent
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
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Movie Pictures

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Tags: Movies Anywhere, Vudu

Reviews ( 1 )

  • DRS 31 / 03 / 2022

    The are 8 versions of the movie, Blade Runner. That is not hyperbole or a joke and it doesn’t include the masterpiece that is Blade Runner 2049. I’ll let Google explain to you why there are 8 versions but the one I saw recently was The Final Cut which is considered to be the best adaptation of the movie.

    I am a Ridley Scott guy. Gladiator is one of my favorite movies of all time. I think he makes great movies and there is no doubt that every penny shows up on-screen. Even as I watched this movie from 40+ years ago, you see the little things that fill out a scene that most directors would just let slide but that is something that is in all of his movies.

    I had the opportunity to see Blade Runner: The Final Cut as part of Emagine Theatres Flashback Cinema Series. The print was a newly remastered 4K version and it looked GREAT! It looked bright and clean and crisp, something that was awesome for a movie that is more than 4 decades old.

    This was also the first time I’ve seen it in the theater on the big screen. Blade Runner has the unique pleasure of being the first movie I ever saw on the glorious VHS format. I saw it at a friend’s house along with First Blood.

    The movie is so well-told and smart. The haunting soundtrack by Vangelis, known more for Chariots of Fire is tremendous and sets the mood for every scene. The acting is first-rate and even those who say that Sean Young is dumb as a box of rocks and just a pretty face might have to rethink their position on seeing this movie.

    I knew that it set up its sequel, Blade Runner 2049 well, but I had forgotten how smoothly they transition with each other.

    Well worth the time to see this classic again!

    9 / 10

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