Alpha Dog

Poster for the movie "Alpha Dog"

Movie Info

Movie Story

Alpha Dog

Poster for the movie "Alpha Dog"
Release Date  27 January 2006 (2 h 02 min)
Directed by  Nick Cassavetes
Composer  Aaron Zigman
Genres  Crime, Drama, History, Thriller
Not rated yet!

Synopsis and Details

Johnny Truelove likes to see himself as tough. He's the son of an underworld figure and a drug dealer. Johnny also likes to get tough when things don't go his way. When Jake Mazursky fails to pay up for Johnny, things get worse for the Mazursky family, as Johnny and his 'gang' kidnap Jake's 15 year old brother and holds him hostage. Problem now is what to do with 'stolen boy?'

  • Revenue  $15,309,302
  • Budget 
  • Language  English


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One crime. 38 witnesses. No way back.

Johnny Truelove likes to see himself as tough. He's the son of an underworld figure and a drug dealer. Johnny also likes to get tough when things don't go his way. When Jake Mazursky fails to pay up for Johnny, things get worse for the Mazursky family, as Johnny and his 'gang' kidnap Jake's 15 year old brother and holds him hostage. Problem now is what to do with 'stolen boy?'


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