
Poster for the movie "Aloft"

Movie Info

Movie Story


Poster for the movie "Aloft"
Release Date  12 February 2014 (1 h 52 min)
Directed by  Claudia Llosa
Writer  Claudia Llosa
Genres  Drama
Country   Canada France Spain
Not rated yet!

Synopsis and Details

As we follow a mother and her son, we delve into a past marred by an accident that tears them apart. She will become a renowned artist and healer, and he will grow into his own and a peculiar falconer who bears the marks of a double absence. In the present, a young journalist will bring about an encounter between the two that puts the very meaning of life and art into question, so that we may contemplate the possibility of living life to its fullest, despite the uncertainties littering our paths.

  • Revenue  $53,086
  • Budget  $8,000,000
  • Language  French, English


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As we follow a mother and her son, we delve into a past marred by an accident that tears them apart. She will become a renowned artist and healer, and he will grow into his own and a peculiar falconer who bears the marks of a double absence. In the present, a young journalist will bring about an encounter between the two that puts the very meaning of life and art into question, so that we may contemplate the possibility of living life to its fullest, despite the uncertainties littering our paths.


  • Movie Status 
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  • Movie Rating  Not rated
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 



Movie Pictures

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Tags: Vudu, Movies Anywhere

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